Tag Archives: Boot Camp NYC

Results Don’t Come…

dont give up GMBC

Remember, my GMBC warriors…

RESULTS DON’T COME at the start with your gung-ho decision to “get in shape” for summer.

REAL CHANGE happens:

When you stick with it longer than you did last time
When you put in the work every day before sunrise…
When NO ONE is watching.


Be > Yesterday

Love Your Fitness Freak ‘O Nature,

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS
West Village, NYC


Cheat to Lose (weight)

SCHEDULE a CHEAT MEAL 1x/week. (Yep, eat ANYTHING you want but always mind portions.)

This strategy keeps you motivated to stick a clean eating plan, it CURBS CRAVINGS and is the best long term strategy for a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE rather than short term crash-diet DOOMED for failure.

Now go out there and rock this week! Think of me this weekend while enjoying your cheat meal!

Your FUN Fanatical Fitness Expert,
Laura Miranda MsPT, CSCS


Looking for a way to heat up with some hot guys this winter?

Want to finally drop those extra lbs that you gained over the holidays?

SICK of the gym and cant find the motivation to get back to your fitness program?

GAY MEN’s BOOT CAMP is officially indoors for the winter!

We start Monday January 18th at 6am! Only 3 spots left (right now at 2:36 pm Friday 1/15.) SIGN UP TODAY!!!